Tuesday, May 10, 2011


LET ME SAY THIS...I AM SO HAPPY THIS MAN IS DEAD!!!  I never in my life thought that I would be happy for someone to be dead, but I am so happy that we have finally found this man.  Americans have been celebrating and have the feeling of relief after hearing the great news about Osama's death.  I remember when I was in 7th grade when the twin towers were destroyed.  I was so scared and I was too young to completely understand what was exactly going on.  Later on when more news was revealed I began to have a deep hate for Osama Bin Laden.  Well "hate" is a powerful word, so maybe I should say, I "strongly disliked" him.  I wanted him dead!
I am upset that it took roughly ten years to find this man and to kill him.  I can only imagine how the victim's families felt while the military were trying to find Osama and could never find him.  I wonder if the families and the country still had the fear of him planning future attacks on us.  As i watched CNN I was happy for the victim's families as they called in to express their feelings about Osama's death.  They were are relieved and felt as if that chapter in their life can finally come to an end.  There were also people who were not satisfied because they wanted to actually see a photo of Osama's body for proof.  Ill admit I was one of those individuals.  I was patiently waiting for President Barack Obama's decision as to if he would leak out the gruesome images of Osama Bin Laden after they killed him.  I wanted to see this for myself and to not have that doubt as to whether or not this man is really dead.  When Obama finally told the world that he will not release the images, I was a little disappointed.  After all I respect Obama's decision and his reasons for not wanting to release the images.  
Now I am wondering what is going to happen next.  Will the troops finally get to come home?  Or will they still remain there until only God knows when?  I am also upset to have learned that Bin Laden was living in a mansion and supposedly the people living in that area didn't even know that Bin Laden lived near them.  That makes me wonder if they are telling the truth...how could they not know that Bin Laden was living up the street?!
I hope and pray that our troops and my brother will be coming home for good soon. I am so happy that Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Very Upset..

I'm upset at how the generation before me made very bad decisions, leaving us to have to pay the price for it!  What were they thinking when we were getting deeper and deeper into debt?  The question is, "Were they even thinking?"  Our country is at our lowest right now because of all the decisions that were made before my generation.  Our country is at war and I cannot even tell you what we are fighting for!  I feel like our country has made so many poor decisions and for us to get out of the situation we have at hand it's going to not only cost us more money, but it will also take FOREVER to get to where we need to be financially.  Who would have though that our country would be doing so badly that we would have to ultimately fire teachers to save  money?!  Now that's INSANE!   My generation is paying the price for all the bad decision making our previous leadership has done.  The generation before mine has borrowed so much money and tried to help other countries before helping their own.  I feel like we need to butt out of other countries issues and address the issues that we have at hand.  We have wasted so much money!  Now my generation is struggling to find a career, or even a JOB!   That's really ridiculous.  Our country would rather pay other countries a cheaper wage to make things that we need instead of letting Americans do it.  Our country is so dependent on other countries.  I absolutely hate that!  The generation before mine put us in such a bad  predicament that we have to rely on other countries in order for us to operate.  That's a damn shame!  Now we're in so much debt, that I'm questioning if social security/retirement will even be available for my generation when we get older.  To be honest...all of the mayhem makes me want to move out of the country.  Canada sounds nice right about now.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Response To Obama's Deficit Speech

I want to start off by adressing that when President Barack Obama entered office when it was already messed up.  I loved how Obama reminded everyone how the economy wasn't so great by mentioning all of our previous presidents, which were mainly Republicans.  He also reminded everyone that Bill Clinton, which is a Democrat, attempted to reduce the deficit in the 90's when he held a meeting in regards of the deficit.  Obama revealed several subliminal messages osuch as, it's basically the Republicans' fault for our economic disaster.  Obama made a great point when he said that even after the economy recovers, the government will still spend more and borrow more, and we might not be able to pay our debt because intrest will continue to go up.  He also stated that "those who benefited more from our way of life can afford to pay more in taxes".  I understand that if I was a millionaire, I wouldnt want to pay more taxes, but I would also look at the bigger picture at hand.  I think the Republicans need to give a little more to help our nation.  I was informed last week that a bill was passed to deduct funds from the medicade and food stamps.  Obama basically let it be known that our nation will not see brighter days if we do not find a way out of this debt.  Social Security will be gone for our future generations.  The Republicans and Democrats are fighting for the 12% that's left of the deficit.  The Republicans and Democrats do not see eye-to-eye, but Obama is hoping that the two sides can come together and agree on a soloution that satisfies them both.  Obama also delivered a subliminal message that he is trying to clean up the mess that the Republicans made while they were in office and that it will take more than a 4 year term to do so.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I am very upset to have learned that Obama was unsuccessful to save the pell grant program.  Even though this program does not have an effect on me simple because I do not qualify for it, but I do have several friends that will be affected by this particular budget cut.  This upsets me because from my understanding, America wants our Americans to be educated, yet the government decides to make it more difficult to pay for tuition.  This will discourage students to continue to go to school because it is too expensive.  The students will either not be able to afford it, or will get a loan and be in debt once they graduate.  NOBODY will be thrilled to know that once they graduate they will be in the hole already in debt.
                While I am surfacing the education perspective of the budget cuts, I want to discuss our teachers.  It is very upsetting to know that teachers are being laid off! WHAT THE F**K!  Does the government understand that laying off teachers will hurt our future (the children)?  A 1:30 teacher-student ratio is totally unacceptable!  When there are more children in the classroom, it makes it extremely difficult to have one on ones with students.  This makes it difficult to give the students in the classroom the special attention they need.  The future does not look too bright if we cannot provide the students with the proper learning environment.  Meaning, laying off our teachers should not be an option.  That sounds so damn stupid to me!  Never in my life would laying off teachers come to mind for any type of solution.
                I learned that Obama was able to reverse many of the cuts that were passed by the Republicans in February when the chamber passed a bill slashing more than this $60 billion.  Also, the White House protected the Head Start learning program (I wonder if they have enough teachers).  The Republicans wanted to cut $1 billion in grants for community health centers and $500 million from biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health.  I am really sensitive to the health and education issues when it comes to budget cuts.  This budget cut nonsense frightens me…I don’t know what to expect.  All I can do is hope and pray that the cuts will not have a negative effect on my life.  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

This Stupid Birther Controversy

It is to be said that Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States and is therefore not eligible to be president of the United States under the Article Two of the United States Constitution.  These theories are known as birthers.  Some of these birthers claim that Obama's birth certificate is forgery because he was not born in Hawaii.  These birthers claim that he was born in Kenya.  I wonder if this is indeed true and if so, how did the United States allow this to happen?  Someone from another country could plan to rule the United States, if they make the proper moves and play their cards correctly.  I am not saying that I do believe the theories that are claiming Obama is not a United States citizen, but if these birthers are true, then the government needs to be more careful as to whom they allow into office.  Other theories allege that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia and lost his United States citizenship, or that he had dual citizenship at birth (British and Amkerican), he cannot be a natural born citizen of the United States.  Some political opponets, some of whowm filed lawsuits that sought to disqualify Obama from running for puresident again, and to prove that he is not a U.S. citizen.  I also think that this issue/controversyat hand is very irrelevant.  This country has issues that are far more intense and important thsn these birther theories.  Honestly, I think that this controversy is doing nothing but stirring up chaos.  I had a feeling that at some point in time, people would begin to argue that Obama is not a United States citizen.  Obama has been in office since 2008; I think it's a little bit too late to see if he is a citizen of the United States.  This birther controversy tickles me and annoys the hell out of me.  If Obama is indeed NOT and citizen of the United States, then we have nobody to blame, but the United States.  If he is not a citizen, then how could we have let this happen?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

President Obama's address to the nation on Libya

In President Obama's address, he talks about how 10 days ago, having tried to end the violence without using force, the international community offered Gaddafi a final chance to step down to his campaign of killing, or face consequences.  Rather than to step down, his forces continued to advance, bearing down on the city of Benghazi.  Benghazi is home to approximately 700,000 men, women and children who sought their freedom from fear.  It also made me feel so bad for Gaddafi's people when I was informed how Gaddafi referred to his people as rats, and then threatened to go door to door to inflict punishment.  Gaddafi is the same man who hung his people in the streets and he is the same man who killed dover 1,000 people in one day.  Within one month, the United States has worked with international partners to mobilize a  broad coalition, secure an international mandate to stop an advancing army, and to establish an NO Fly Zone with our allies and partners.  NATO has also taken command of the enforcement of the arms embargo and the No Fly Zone.  Obama also explained how NATO will work with the international community community to provide assistance to the people of Libya, who need food and medical care.

I how Gaddafi is treating his people is insane.  This man is crazy and needs to be stopped before he continues to do more.  I am still stuck on the fact that he calls his people rats.  This tyrant is killing off his people and re fuses to step down.  My heart goes out to the people in Libya and I pray that this madness will soon come to a complete stop.  Tomorrow, Clinton will go to London, where she will meet with the Libyan opposition and consult with more than thirty nations.  If Gaddafi refuses to step down from power, then the people of Libya will remain in danger.  Gaddafi is ruthless and must be stopped.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Radiation Brings Health Concerns

After the devastating, unfortunate earthquake and tsunami in Japan; some Americans are concerned about the radiation from the Japanese nuclear power.Questions and concerns have been brought to the surface about the health dangers Americans could be facing because of Japan's nuclear crisis.
In Boston, a sample of rainwater revealed very low concentrations of radiation, which they believe came all the way from Japan.  The amount of radiation was low enough to dismiss possible safety hazards. Even though the Massachusetts Department of Public Health explained that the radiation will not affect the drinking water supply, and that it will eventually lose half of its level within eight days, many still fear about their safety.    43 percent of respondents to this issue said that Japan's crisis will leave a mark.  The individuals within this 43 percent believe that the Japanese nuclear disaster will doom efforts in this Congress to expand nuclear energy. There have been multiple U.S. testing sites that have discovered amounts of radiation, some of which are slightly higher than a week or so ago, but are all still far below public health concern.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Media Has Their Influence...

With the  issues that are going in Wisconsin, the media has taken a huge role as to how they want to deliver the message.  I believe that the media are making the citizens take upon the hero rule because the citizens are trying to save their state from something that can be greater/bigger than them.  They are making the government look as though they are the villains because they are trying to hurt the citizens with the new law they are trying to impose upon the citizens.  The media also at time make the citizens look like the villains because a reporter will come across angry protesters and portray them as being violent.  With that being said, I feel as though the media has unfairly cast the villains title upon the citizens because the media are showing them in a bad light as they protest.  They portray the citizens of Wisconsin to be ruthless and uncontrollable.  

First Amendment

Many people have their strong beliefs and views about the First Amendment: Freedom of Speech.  There are people who believe that they are fully entitled to their right and that they can say whatever they want and do it wherever they please.  There are also those individuals that believe in freedom of speech, yet they believe that there is an unspoken rule as to when certain remarks and protests are immoral depending on when or where it has been presented .  With that being said...does that mean that those individuals are somewhat contradicting themselves when they say that they believe in the First Amendment?
In the Westboro Baptist Church case, I will have to say that I am with the second group of individuals that i  had mentioned in the previous paragraph.  The members of the church presented an well unwanted protest outside of a funeral.  The protest was held directly across the street form the funeral.  I feel as if we are all entitled to our First Amendment, but I also feel like we should have a common courtesy to those that are having a difficult time grieving with the loss of a loved one.  If people were to de4cide to protest outside of one of my family member's funeral, my family would literally kill off the entire protest party.  All of the protesters will be shot dead. I do believe in freedom of speech, but i also believe that people should have a natural common courtesy

Sunday, February 27, 2011

State Workers Angry About a Proposed Change to Their Union Rights

In Wisconsin, the sate government is trying to minimize the debt by charging it to the working class.  After all of the financial gain that the union has accomplished over the years, the state is trying to take back collective bargaining, trying to make the workers pay more money for their health insurance, and getting rid of some teachers in which they feel are not 'best fit' for their job.  They are doing anything they can think of, or anything possible to minimize the deficit.  This is falling back on the working class citizens.  It is to be said that the union has the pay scale so high for the government employees, that the state cannot afford to pay them, but the union workers believe that the government can cut back on some entities to continue to pay them.  The state says that the government employees are making way more money than anyone in the private sector.  Basically, they just want it to be a fair playing field for the the government workers, versus private employees.  The state is trying to break the union.  The Democrats feud the union, and by Wisconsin having a Republican controlled house, they are ultimately trying to minimize the union power.  Wisconsin's issue has gone nationwide...Columbus, Ohio had angry protesters, protesting about a senate bill that would limit collective bargaining rights.  Ohio faces an $8,000,000,000 short fall.  If other states see that protesting is indeed effective, then this will continue to go nationwide.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


What's Goin' on in the Middle East

Egypt is one of the largest countries in the Middle East.  The Egyptians' were able to have an influence on making their long-term president step down.  With that being said, other smaller countries will feed off of what the Egyptians did to better their country if they feel it is necessary to do so; this will cause a domino effect. Other countries will look at Egypt's situation and see what all they can learn from it and what all they might need to modify to make it more effective for their desired goal.  Countries will begin to feed off of other countries energy and try to accomplish what they have if they do not like what's going on in their own country.  I refuse to believe that everything that is going on in the Middle East is "just happening".  I believe that people analyze other countries situations and see what they could do, or do differently to make a difference within their own country.  The media is also adding fuel to the fire because other countries can actually see what's  going on by watching the news, reading about it, hearing about it on the radio, or just by seeing it when they get on the internet.  Everything that is delivered via media can encourage and or influence other countries to make the decisions that they make.  I do agree with Glenn Beck when he said that the US are hypocrites and that's why the Middle East hates us. The States say that we believe in freedom, but yet we supported Mubarak in his dictatorship to a certain extent.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What's Really Goin' on in Egypt?

I think that the U.S role is to stay out of Egypt's political affairs.  The media seems as if they are following all of the protestors and all the commotion that the protestors are stirring up.  The media to me, seems as if they are not focusing a lot on President Mubarak, but they are focusing on the protestors that are fighting to get  Mubarak out of office now and not on Mubarak's terms. The Egyptians do not want the U.S to get involved and they have asked the U.S government to stay out of it and that they can handle their issues without the U.S.

At this point in the rebellion, Mubarak and his supporters have been quite civil.  There has also been no proof that says Mubarak has injured anyone.  He appears to be rather sincere in my opinion.  In his public speech he said that he will die in Egypt, "his home".  Mubarak knows that today's technology is too advanced to where it will be almost impossible to hide any of alleged abuse of his citizens.  It is also known that other fractions are creating problems on the streets of Egypt.  

It appears that the media networks that favor President Obama, shows Egypt's cries in a good light.  The anti-Obama media shows the Egyptian's cries in a bad light and as something horrible.  Obama respects the will of the Egyptian government and its people.  The U.S media feeds off of drama. They might hype it up by to boost their ratings and magazines and newspapers use it as well in a sense of "juicy, yet informative  gossip".

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Budget Debate

This thing we call the budget debate...what does it really mean to me?  Well to be honest I think that all students will be getting the short end of the stick.  The United States has a large deficit and several issues we are dealing with are very hard to dodge.  I honestly think that if the government will stop putting so much money into the war, then that alone would help with government spending.  Most Americans do not even think that they are living in wartime unless you bring the topic up to them.  The government is putting so much money into a war that most Americans forget about because the media doesn't discuss it.

I am a student, and with that being said, this budget debate means a lot to me.  Even though I am currently on an athletic scholarship through the University of Houston; I cant help but to wonder what it will be like for me financially when I try to pay for my masters degree.  The government's money is so tight right now that eventually the grants, loans and financial aid will all come to a minimum.  Many students will have a hard time trying to pay their way through school. Tuition will also go up and that will not only make the situation harder for students, but it will also put  more students in debt, from trying to pay their way through school, and also the graduate percentage rate will begin to fall.

The government will also not have enough money to fix the roads and highways.  In some places, this can be really crucial...for an example Cullen Boulevard.  I think that the government needs to really sit back and take a look at how they are spending our money.  The government has been building businesses  outside of our country because it is cheaper to pay the workers outside of the states whereas paying an American..let's say 15 dollars an hour.  That has hurt our country because other countries are  building up off of the US dollar while the Americans are having troubles trying to find a job within their own home land.  The richer will continue to get richer and the poorer will continue to get poorer.  We need to bring some of those jobs back to The US so that people can find jobs, so that those will not have to rely on welfare.