Sunday, February 27, 2011

State Workers Angry About a Proposed Change to Their Union Rights

In Wisconsin, the sate government is trying to minimize the debt by charging it to the working class.  After all of the financial gain that the union has accomplished over the years, the state is trying to take back collective bargaining, trying to make the workers pay more money for their health insurance, and getting rid of some teachers in which they feel are not 'best fit' for their job.  They are doing anything they can think of, or anything possible to minimize the deficit.  This is falling back on the working class citizens.  It is to be said that the union has the pay scale so high for the government employees, that the state cannot afford to pay them, but the union workers believe that the government can cut back on some entities to continue to pay them.  The state says that the government employees are making way more money than anyone in the private sector.  Basically, they just want it to be a fair playing field for the the government workers, versus private employees.  The state is trying to break the union.  The Democrats feud the union, and by Wisconsin having a Republican controlled house, they are ultimately trying to minimize the union power.  Wisconsin's issue has gone nationwide...Columbus, Ohio had angry protesters, protesting about a senate bill that would limit collective bargaining rights.  Ohio faces an $8,000,000,000 short fall.  If other states see that protesting is indeed effective, then this will continue to go nationwide.

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