Sunday, April 24, 2011

Very Upset..

I'm upset at how the generation before me made very bad decisions, leaving us to have to pay the price for it!  What were they thinking when we were getting deeper and deeper into debt?  The question is, "Were they even thinking?"  Our country is at our lowest right now because of all the decisions that were made before my generation.  Our country is at war and I cannot even tell you what we are fighting for!  I feel like our country has made so many poor decisions and for us to get out of the situation we have at hand it's going to not only cost us more money, but it will also take FOREVER to get to where we need to be financially.  Who would have though that our country would be doing so badly that we would have to ultimately fire teachers to save  money?!  Now that's INSANE!   My generation is paying the price for all the bad decision making our previous leadership has done.  The generation before mine has borrowed so much money and tried to help other countries before helping their own.  I feel like we need to butt out of other countries issues and address the issues that we have at hand.  We have wasted so much money!  Now my generation is struggling to find a career, or even a JOB!   That's really ridiculous.  Our country would rather pay other countries a cheaper wage to make things that we need instead of letting Americans do it.  Our country is so dependent on other countries.  I absolutely hate that!  The generation before mine put us in such a bad  predicament that we have to rely on other countries in order for us to operate.  That's a damn shame!  Now we're in so much debt, that I'm questioning if social security/retirement will even be available for my generation when we get older.  To be honest...all of the mayhem makes me want to move out of the country.  Canada sounds nice right about now.

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