Tuesday, May 10, 2011


LET ME SAY THIS...I AM SO HAPPY THIS MAN IS DEAD!!!  I never in my life thought that I would be happy for someone to be dead, but I am so happy that we have finally found this man.  Americans have been celebrating and have the feeling of relief after hearing the great news about Osama's death.  I remember when I was in 7th grade when the twin towers were destroyed.  I was so scared and I was too young to completely understand what was exactly going on.  Later on when more news was revealed I began to have a deep hate for Osama Bin Laden.  Well "hate" is a powerful word, so maybe I should say, I "strongly disliked" him.  I wanted him dead!
I am upset that it took roughly ten years to find this man and to kill him.  I can only imagine how the victim's families felt while the military were trying to find Osama and could never find him.  I wonder if the families and the country still had the fear of him planning future attacks on us.  As i watched CNN I was happy for the victim's families as they called in to express their feelings about Osama's death.  They were are relieved and felt as if that chapter in their life can finally come to an end.  There were also people who were not satisfied because they wanted to actually see a photo of Osama's body for proof.  Ill admit I was one of those individuals.  I was patiently waiting for President Barack Obama's decision as to if he would leak out the gruesome images of Osama Bin Laden after they killed him.  I wanted to see this for myself and to not have that doubt as to whether or not this man is really dead.  When Obama finally told the world that he will not release the images, I was a little disappointed.  After all I respect Obama's decision and his reasons for not wanting to release the images.  
Now I am wondering what is going to happen next.  Will the troops finally get to come home?  Or will they still remain there until only God knows when?  I am also upset to have learned that Bin Laden was living in a mansion and supposedly the people living in that area didn't even know that Bin Laden lived near them.  That makes me wonder if they are telling the truth...how could they not know that Bin Laden was living up the street?!
I hope and pray that our troops and my brother will be coming home for good soon. I am so happy that Osama Bin Laden is dead!